What’s the ONE THING you need to know before starting a diet or fitness plan?

After 25 years of helping people change their weight and their lifestyle, I have one big conclusion I’m ready to share…. Your win or failure is dependent purely on your patterns and self-knowledge about your response to stress and tiredness.

You can literally have the best diet plan, fitness plan, and support…. But time and again I see people ‘fall off the wagon’ when they didn’t master the art of healthy response to stress…. And so they revert to old patterns of stress eating, binging, and self-sabotaging just to bring some comfort in.

Before you set out on a weight loss plan, plan on how you will deal with stress and tiredness.

Make an ironclad pact with yourself and then practice because I promise you… there will be ‘kinks’ which you will need to iron out!

Just do t go back to your old patterns. Weight loss success starts and ends in your head. 😘🙋🏼‍♀️🤓


Grilled Cod & Grapefruit Spinach Salad


My Transformation